Infectious Diseases in Persons Who Inject Drugs Persons Who Inject Drugs PWID
True mycotic aneurysms develop when there is disruption of the arterial wall due to infectious arteritis rather than as a result of direct vessel wall trauma 31. They may occur in PWID locally at injection sites or in distant arteries due to haematogenous seeding. The aorta is the most commonly affected vessel followed by the femoral artery 31. The majority of cases of mycotic aneurysms occur in PWID or after invasive endovascular or surgical procedures.
It’s about playing the long game, ensuring that today’s problem doesn’t become tomorrow’s crisis. For common complications like infiltration or phlebitis, immediate interventions often involve removing the IV and applying appropriate treatments to the affected area. As with many things in life, prevention is better than cure when it comes to IV therapy complications. It’s like building a fortress to protect against invaders—the stronger your defenses, the less likely you are to face problems. It’s like being a detective, but instead of solving crimes, you’re preventing medical mishaps.
An Ounce of Prevention: Strategies to Minimize IV Risks
- It’s like being a detective, but instead of solving crimes, you’re preventing medical mishaps.
- In PWID, abscesses may develop in deep locations due to direct extension from the site of injection, such as from the groin into the pelvis or retroperitoneum, or as a result of haematogenous seeding of distant locations.
- From the IV solution itself to the catheter material, there are plenty of potential allergens lurking in IV therapy.
- These diseases can require lifelong treatment, and IV drug users can unknowingly spread these diseases to others.
- All complaints and concerns are fully investigated by corporate compliance and corrective actions are implemented based on substantiated allegations.
If the patient is unable to give a history due to instability, AMS, or some other reason, history should be elicited through any companions, EMS, telephone contacts and/or through chart review. Play close attention to the airway in those with potential SSTIs in the neck area, as the practice of the “pocket-shot” can lead to infection in the carotid triangle and result in airway obstruction or laryngeal edema (6). Other causes of AMS or neurological abnormalities in PWID include septic emboli to CNS from endocarditis, mycotic aneurysms, and delayed leukoencephalopathy (6). Cocaine and amphetamines are 2 well-known drugs that can cause hyperthermia.
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)
Bone marrow oedema is the earliest imaging finding identifiable in acute osteomyelitis and appears on MRI as high T2 and STIR signal intensity of the bone with corresponding low T1 signal (Figs. 10 and 11) 17, 18. High T2/STIR signal without low T1 signal is less specific and may represent reactive osteitis rather than osteomyelitis 17. Cortical bone destruction can be identified as loss of the normal peripheral T1 hypointense cortical rim. Assessment of the extent of the infection in adjacent soft tissues, differentiation of bone from soft tissue infection and surgical planning can also be reliably achieved on MRI (Fig. 12) 17, 18. Plain radiographs may show indirect signs of cellulitis such as soft tissue swelling and loss of fascial planes and can identify radio-opaque retained foreign bodies. Ultrasound features of cellulitis include diffuse thickening and increased echogenicity of subcutaneous tissues and a characteristic “cobblestone” appearance of the subcutaneous fat due to soft tissue oedema 8, 9.
The “imaging psoas sign”, high T2 signal within the psoas musculature, is also suggestive of discitis/osteomyelitis in suspected spinal infection 21. An important differential to consider are Modic type 1 changes which are presumed part of the spectrum of endplate signal abnormalities seen in degenerative disease 20. Modic type 1 changes are considered acute/subacute and also cause low T1 and high T2 endplate signal intensity. Signal within the intervening disc is typically low, however, in contrast with the high signal seen in discitis 20. Surrounding soft tissue inflammatory change, including the “imaging psoas sign”, and clinical history indicating an increased risk of haematogenous infection, as in PWID, also suggest a diagnosis of discitis 21.
Skin Ulcers
- But like any powerful tool, it comes with its share of potential pitfalls.
- Based on the clinical features and exam, also consider CT with contrast to investigate suspected NSTIs (44), or contrast CT or ultrasound for suspected pseudoaneurysm (6).
- Of those with septic arthritis, common pathogens include Staphylococcus species (including MRSA), Streptococcus, Pseudomonas, and Serratia species (37).
- Osteomyelitis due to haematogenous spread tends to result in a slow, insidious progression of symptoms whereas osteomyelitis from direct local extension presents with more pronounced and aggressive local manifestations.
Cellulitis, in particular, is a common IV site infection in drug users. One study found that 32% of injection drug users in a neighborhood in California currently had abscesses, cellulitis, or both.1 If left untreated, cellulitis can become serious. Intravenous drug users can be challenging patients to manage on medical wards, with aggressive behaviour, illicit drug use while in hospital and early self-discharge commonly encountered. Hepatitis C can either be chronic but asymptomatic (without symptoms, which means you barely even notice you have it), or chronic-active, which means disease will develop over a long period of time–several years or perhaps even decades.
- Septic arthritis is a painful infection that can cause extreme discomfort and limit the mobility of the infected joint and surrounding area.
- MRI protocols typically include sagittal T1, T2, STIR and contrast-enhanced imaging of the affected segment of the spine in addition to axial T2 and contrast-enhanced imaging at levels noted to be abnormal on initial sagittal sequences 20.
- If not diagnosed with HIV, consider testing for HIV because of the close association between intravenous drug use and HIV transmission.
- While there are many bacteria and even fungi that can cause cellulitis, most cases result from group A Streptococcal bacteria.
Transmission of infectious diseases
Diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) may be added in certain cases, such as to assess for abscess formation. Fat-saturated T2 or enhanced T1 sequences can be used to improve the delineation of inflammation. A gradient echo sequence may be added in more severe cases with suspected haemorrhage or necrotising fasciitis. In cellulitis, high T2 and STIR signal intensity with corresponding T1 signal intensity of the subcutaneous tissues with overlying skin Sober living home thickening is seen, and there is enhancement following gadolinium administration 8.
The Double-Edged Sword of IV Therapy
In a similar study performed by Chotai et al.,4 patients in the IVDU cohort tended to be smokers and unemployed, with a significant medical history for hepatitis C and other mental health disorders. This study examines the differences in demographics and treatment factors related to upper extremity infections in IV drug users compared with non-IV drug users. The number of patients presenting to our emergency room with an IVDU-related upper extremity infection more than doubled in 10 years, and our rate of upper extremity infections related to IVDU rose to 10.3% in 2015 (up from 5.2% in 2005 to 6.3% in 2010). The magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) sequences employed in suspected soft tissue infection will typically include T2, a fluid-sensitive sequence such as short-tau inversion recovery (STIR) and unenhanced and post-contrast T1.
Septic Thrombophlebitis
This puts these patients at risk for epidural and subdural hematomas, as well as other forms of intracranial hemorrhage and TBI’s. Only a professional can diagnose a substance use disorder and prescribe medication that may encourage long-term healing. Consulting with your primary care physician or a mental health professional is a good place to start when you decide to get help.
Infective bone and joint complications in PWID may originate from direct extension of infection from injection sites in adjacent soft tissues or, more commonly, due to bacteraemia and haematogenous seeding 16. In adults, haematogenous spread most frequently involves the spine leading to discitis and osteomyelitis. The risk of infective complications in PWID is also often increased as a result of co-existing immunosuppression due to chronic viral infections or cirrhosis.